Glaser Center for Grounded Theory

Welcome to the Glaser Center for Grounded Theory!

The Glaser Center for Grounded Theory trains, mentors, supports and connects students, faculty, and researchers worldwide who are learning and using grounded theory. We are building and supporting a community of students, faculty, and researchers across academic disciplines who are interested in grounded theory.

Please explore the various information and resources provided to learn more about grounded theory.

What is Grounded Theory?

Glaser (1978) stated that grounded theory is a research method "based on the systemic generating of theory from data, that itself is systematically obtained from social research" (p. 2). Thus, grounded theory is a research method used to generate an inductive theory from the analysis of data that has been systematically collected from the area of study.  The resulting theory explains a pattern of behavior that resolves a primary concern of participants within the area being studied. A grounded theory fits the data making it relevant to and work within the area of study. It is also generalizable to other situations that are theoretically similar.

Glaser, B. G. (1978). Advances in the methodology of grounded theory: Theoretical sensitivity. Sociology Press.

Adding Classic Grounded Theory to your researcher's toolbox

Hear about adding classic grounded theory to your "researcher's toolbox" from Dr. Odis Simmons.

The Grounded Theory Process




Data Collection: 

All is Data


Data Analysis: Coding, Constantant Comparative Method of Analysis, and Memoing


Sorting &       Theoretical Outline


Writing up the Theory

Coming Soon....more information and resources about each stage of conducting a grounded theory study.  Check out the videos below of Glaser discussing grounded theory.

Experiencing Grounded Theory: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning, Doing, Mentoring, Teaching, and Applying Grounded Theory

By Odis E. Simmons

Are you interested in learning more about grounded theory? Would it be helpful to have each step in the process of conducting a grounded theory clearly explain in a reader friendly way. Then check out Experiencing Grounded Theory. It is a great book to get started with or deepen your understanding of grounded theory. Both novice and experienced researcher will benefit from this book. 

Grounded Theory is the study of a concept.

Listen to Dr. Barney Glaser explain this important idea in relation to grounded theory.

High impact dependent variables.

In this video, Glaser discusses the significance of high impact dependent variables.

Jargonizing: Using the Grounded Theory vocabulary

Glaser discusses the how grounded theory vocabulary is used in qualitative research.

Training at the Glaser Center for Grounded TheoryView More

Mentoring at the Glaser Center for Grounded Theory View More

Support & Connect at the Glaser Center for Grounded TheoryView More

Remembering & Honoring
Dr. Barney Glaser

Glaser Memorial

Dr. Barney Glaser developed grounded theory with Dr. Anselm Strauss in the 1960s. For over 50 years, Dr. Glaser wrote about and mentored many students and researchers learning grounded theory. He touched the lives of many students and researchers. As we mourn his loss, this is an area for you to share how he has touched your life.

Access the Memorial

Glaser Memorial Fund

The Institute for Research and Theory Methodologies has established a Dr. Barney Glaser Memorial Fund. Donations are used to fund grants for classic grounded theory studies. US donations are tax-deductible. Donations through Paypal can be made using the button below, or you can contact us at for other ways of making a donation.
