Starting a Classic Grounded Theory: Micro-credential

Getting Started

Language: English

Instructors: Hosted by the Glaser Center for Grounded Theory

Valid Till: 2023-07-01



Have you ever wondered how to start a classic grounded theory study? This micro-credential will build upon several of the sessions at the 2023 International Congress for Qualitative Research and Theory Methodologies and allow participants to begin to conceptulize several aspects of designing a classic grounded theory study. It will also contain addition content on how to address the isssue of a literature review in a classic grounded theory study, especially if this is a requirement for your dissertation or thesis requirement. The micro-credential will provide you information and feedback on writing a research question and purpose statement. You will also have the opportunity to think about what types of data might be appropriate for your study, what population you may begin with, and write some possible interview questions. You will have to opportunity to submit the information and recieve some feedback from experienced grounded theoriest.

This micro-credential will start in early May, following the 2023 International Congress for Qualitative Research and Theory Methodologies so that the sessions from the conference can be uploaded in to the course shell. 

Course Curriculum

How to Use

After purchasing this item, it will be added to your courses. You can access your courses in the following ways:

  • From the computer, you can access your COURSES after successful login.
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through the browser of your device. 
  • Google Chrome is the browser that works best for this site.